Freezer Beef & Freezer Sizes Needed

Freezer Beef & Freezer Sizes Needed

Purchasing beef in bulk, directly from ranchers like us, is called bulk beef or custom beef. You pay less per pound than you pay at your local grocery store. You pay the same price per pound for steaks and roast as you do for ground beef. Our price per pound is calculated on the hanging weight of the animal and we sell our beef in three sizes: quarter beef, half beef, or whole beef.

Because you’ll receive your entire order of beef at one time, it’s important to make sure you have enough freezer space to accommodate your order. Our beef can remain delicious for up to one year when kept frozen as it is all vacuum sealed.

Quarter Beef

When you order a quarter beef, you’ll receive approximately 100 – 130 pounds total take home freezer beef. You’ll need at least 10 cubic feet of freezer space to accommodate your freezer beef.

Half Beef

You’ll receive approximately 220 – 260lbs of beef when you order a half beef. Your freezer beef will require at least 20 cubic feet of freezer space.

Whole Beef

You’ll be filling at least four deep freezers when you order a whole beef. With approximately 440 – 520lbs of freezer beef, you’ll need at least 40 cubic feet of freezer space.
Freezer sizes for freezer beef
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